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Mini-Musing: 09/17/17 ~ It’s Hard to Let Go

With all the Musings, I’ve been writing for the past few weeks you would think this would be easier.

I’m considering letting my work go.

It took me five years to write my work mainly due to life throwing all types of crap at me and I’ve actually gotten some positive feedback not to mention a few requests for full copies. And before this, I had NEVER received requests for full copies. So of course, I realized that I had to be doing something right. The only problem is, so far none of the requests for a full have panned out. I think of the maybe six I’ve been asked for, only one agent has actually responded, although it was a rejection at least I wasn’t left hanging.

Of course, time has passed and IMHO my writing continues to improve or at least I like to think that it has. But any author will tell you when faced with this decision, it fills you with doubt. You wonder, what’s the point of starting something new? Maybe you just can’t write, pure and simple. Then your Muse tells you, “But the industry had shown interest!” But it’s difficult to keep that in your mind when nothing comes of it. It’s sort of like, when an author receives nine five-star review but the tenth review is a one-star. We focus on that one-star review. It drives us insane. We wonder for weeks or months what we did wrong. Which is why I, and many of my fellow writers, concentrate on our writing instead.

And if you’ve read my previous Musings, you will see my comments on current trends in the industry and what types of works are being requested. Not much that I want to write, so it’s hard to decide if I should go into semi-retirement or something like I mentioned before.

I’ve also mentioned while I’ve been hanging out that I have a new idea kicking around in my head but quite frankly, I have no idea if it will fit the current trends. Now of course, the last thing any author wants to do is write to trends. They can end in an instant. It’s just that this particular work, which I thought of long before this whole issue of Afrofuturism came into play, may just fit the trend. Notice I said may. It makes it near impossible to decide.

What can I do?

Well I suppose, write.

Everything else will likely work itself out.



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